an explannation of the title

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I follow Jesus the Christ. The Bible frequently refers to men doing, "what seemed right in their own eyes", my prayer is that I do what is right in HIS eyes... whether or not it "seems" right to me.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Who do you love?

So here I am again... putting my thoughts to type in an on-line blogg.  I've had 4 or 5 ideas for blogg entrees recently.  So, here's one to start us off.

The old cleche, "Hate the sin not the sinner", has come up more frequently of late than would be preferred.  Here is the thought that struck me while driving home the other day.

How can I avoid hating the sinner if I define the sinner by their sin?  For instance, if I refer to a person as a murderer, liar, backstabber, adulterer, homosexual, (does this list need to be exhaustive?) how do I divorce them from their sin?  How do they divorce themselves from their sin?

So I have purposed to endeavor to see every person I meet as either my family or my neighbor.  To love my family.  To love my neighbors.  To hate the sin in my own life first for what it is, a cancer of the soul.



  1. Great point. You ARE a person of love & reflect the character of Jesus!

  2. It's funny that Mohan just posted on this, too! I agree, you should definitely post more.

    I just read something C.S. Lewis wrote that pertains to this topic area. A bit more eloquently, he said something along the lines of how we should love others simply for the fact that they are people - even if they have nothing 'lovable' about them; because we don't have anything about us that Christ should see as lovable.
    Sorry to leave a blog of my own in the comments - Post More! :)
